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Results for "sympathetic joy"
The Gentle Smile Reflects upon the search for wholeness.
A Book of Courtesy Sister M. Mercedes on how simple acts of kindness can contribute to a better world.
Stumbling Toward Enlightenment Charts the path toward enlightenment as a zigzag one filled with stumbling, bumbling, and plenty of mistakes.
The Kindness Handbook A warm and salutary guidebook on the spiritual practice of kindness.
Becoming Kuan Yin A multi-leveled tribute to Kuan Yin, the Bodhisattva of Compassion.
Awakening the Kind Heart A substantive and practical overview of the spiritual practice of compassion.
The Wisdom of Yoga An exploration of the 3,000-year-old science of extraordinary living through profiles of six yogis.
Emotional Intimacy Robert Augustus Masters on making room for joy without clinging to it.
Love Hurts Down-to-earth Buddhist insights applied to a universal life experience.
To Be a Man Robert Augustus Masters offers eight antidotes to aggression, including empathy and compassion.